What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. It is done for flattening the tummy or abdomen by removing excess belly fat and skin. Tummy tuck surgery in Vadodara at Yuva Clinic is performed by best rated cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Sachin Shah. Due to pregnancy, obesity, or after massive weight loss, there is sagging of abdominal skin, bulging waistline and stretch marks. Simply dieting and exercising are not enough to take care of waistline problems. Slimming treatments and weight loss supplements are not effective either. This is when the tummy requires a tightening surgery called tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. During this procedure, Dr. Sachin Shah will also repair loose muscles of your abdomen and tighten them to give you a shapely waist. This surgery is suitable for both men and women. Poorly healed caesarean scars in women can also be removed during the surgery as an additional benefit.
Reasons for Considering A Tummy Tuck
- Loose sagging belly skin with weak abdomen muscles, such as due to pregnancy.
- To remove excess belly fat and unsightly skin with stretch marks and tighten the abdomen muscles to produce a flat tummy and flattering figure.
- Inability to maintain a shapely waist area with diet and exercise.
- Excessive sagging of abdominal skin following weight loss.

« Tummy Tuck surgery (Abdominoplasty) permanently tones and tightens the stomach area with removal of excess skin and fat along with tightening of abdomen muscles and tummy wall. The entire abdomen, side bulges, and belly button can be reshaped and contoured to give you a slim waist and flatten your stomach. While this is not an obesity surgery it helps achieve permanent stomach area fat removal, body shaping and weight loss when performed by a highly experienced plastic surgeon like Dr Sachin Shah. »
Abdominoplasty surgery takes anywhere from one to three hours depending on the desired look and the patient’s unique physiology. To begin the procedure, an incision is made just above the pubic bone area. This incision goes horizontally across the lower abdomen and sometimes around to the back. The skin is then stretched away from the muscle tissue, and excess skin is removed. The abdomen muscles are tightened to provide a firmly contoured abdomen and well-defined waistline. Finally, the incision is closed; and the skin is stitched back into place. Sometimes it requires an additional incision around the navel in order to provide the best results. Tummy tuck in Vadodara at Yuva clinic by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr Sachin Shah is customized for unique needs of each patient, male or female. Various options available are:
Standard Tummy Tuck: This is the most common procedure which involves an end to end bikini line incision, fat removal from both upper and lower abdomen and repositioning of the belly button.
Mini Abdominoplasty: This procedure is suited for smaller problem areas with a smaller amount of fat and skin removal below the belly button. It involves a much smaller incision.
Six Pack Abs Surgery: Men with generally good shape and desiring more defined abdomen are ideal candidates for six pack abs surgery also known as abdominal etching. This procedure uses liposuction to create a sculpted six pack abs look to enhance the abdominal muscles that are hard to tone with diet and exercise alone.
Cost of Tummy Tuck Surgery: India is one of the most affordable countries for plastic surgery treatments. The tummy tuck surgery cost in Vadodara at Yuva clinic depends on the type of surgery, whether liposuction is also required and the general complexity of the procedure.
Post-operatively ensure plenty of rest and limited movement for two weeks in order to aid the healing process and recovery time. As the body recovers, you can expect some swelling and discomfort. Medication is prescribed to relieve any pain. The stitches will be removed shortly after the surgery depending on the procedures involved. A pressure garment is to be worn for several weeks after the surgery. Normal activities can generally be resumed within two weeks. You can get back into light activities like walking and low-impact exercise. It may take a few months for the body to completely adapt to the new abdominal configuration and reveal your new slim waist line.