What is Liposuction Surgery?
Liposuction is a surgery to remove excess fat from the body which is unresponsive to dieting and exercising. This fat removal procedure can be applied to any area of the body such as a bulge around the waistline, thighs, arms, underarms, back, double-chin, or other unsightly fat deposits, in order to develop a better shape and create a more beautiful body. Unlike temporary slimming treatments and weight loss treatments that are short-lived, liposuction surgery removes fat permanently in just one day and the results are everlasting. Patients undergoing liposuction surgery in Vadodara at Yuva Clinic are provided detailed counseling and guidelines on how to continue to loose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction results in a slimmer and better-proportioned figure.
Reasons for Considering Liposuction:
1.) Eliminate fat from any of the following areas:
- Chin and Neck
- Back
- Upper Arms
- Hips and Buttocks
- Stomach and Waistline
- Thighs and Knees
- Calves and Ankles
- Stomach and Waistline
- Thighs and Knees
- Calves and Ankles
2.) Create a shapely figure with dramatic and permanent results as opposed to non surgical fat removal procedures and weight loss treatments. Diet and exercise cannot help in spot reduction but liposuction can
Who is the Ideal Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?
Liposuction gives weight loss but is not primarily a weight loss treatment. It is a fat loss or fat removing body shaping surgery. Therefore the ideal candidate cannot be a very obese individual. Patients over 18 years of age, with a BMI less than 30. Patients with stable weight and those who have a healthy lifestyle and give special attention to fitness are good candidates. The patient should be generally healthy with no major medical disorders.

« Plastic surgeon Dr Sachin Shah at Yuva Clinic Vadodara advises that liposuction is not a treatment for obesity or replacement for proper exercise and diet. Instead, this is a fat reduction procedure for stubborn areas where fat accumulates and does not reduce. Used in combination with several areas of the body, lipectomy can provide a well-proportioned body appearance. Ideal surgical candidates are those already in good physical condition but having difficult areas of resistant fat excess that do not respond to diet and exercise. »
Liposuction surgery is usually done under general anesthesia. For small spot reduction procedures, under local anesthesia where the area is numbed and the patient remains awake. Through a tiny incision, a narrow tube or “cannula” is inserted and used to vacuum out the fatty tissue beneath the skin. There are several different types of liposuction procedures.
Tumescent Liposuction: For liposuction in Vadodara, plastic surgeon Dr. Sachin Shah at Yuva Clinic favors the tumescent technique for fat removal by liposuction. This is the gold standard technique that all other techniques are based on. The tumescent technique involves much less discomfort and quicker recovery time than other liposuction methods. Tumescent liposuction involves the use of a solution which is injected into the tissues prior to liposuction. The fat tissue actually plumps up and “tumesces”. In the next step, few tiny incisions are placed on the skin and this fat is suctioned out with cannulas.
Laser Liposuction: Laser liposuction is similar like tumescent liposuction. The only difference is the laser use between the tumescent solution injection and the regular suctioning. Smartlipo, vaser liposuction etc. are all laser liposuction techniques, all essentially the same technology. Laser liposuction does carry the risk of burns due to heat generation.
Cool-sculpting (Cryolipolysis): Cryolipolysis, also known as “fat freezing” or cool-sculpting, is a non surgical treatment for freezing body fat, resulting in a reduction of fat from specific areas of the body where the probes are applied. The procedure does involve some discomfort. Multiple sessions are required for cool sculpting. Cryolipolysis is a new technology and it does not really have the same results as liposuction for fat loss. The results vary from patient to patient depending on their metabolism and hormonal factors. Moreover, large areas cannot be covered with this technique. Hence, uncertainty about the results is to be factored in when considering cryolipolysis instead of liposuction.
Ultrasonic Liposuction: In ultrasonic liposuction ultrasound waves are used to break fat cells. The ultrasonic method isn’t quite as popular because the ultrasound cannulas can heat up and lead to a slight risk of skin burns.
Obesity Surgery (weight loss surgery): Is considered only in severe obesity due to serious risks. It is an invasive surgery that reduces the size of the stomach with a gastric band or by removing a portion of the stomach. The most common bariatric surgery procedures are gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding, biliopancreatic diversion, sleeve gastrectomy, and duodenal switch procedure. Obesity surgery also is known as weight loss surgery in Vadodara at Yuva clinic is only suggested to severely obese patients to help reduce cardiovascular risk factors and mortality. It carries its own set of disadvantages and risks like sagging of skin, aged look due to loss of facial fat from rapid weight loss.
New techniques allow for same-day discharge and faster recovery from liposuction. Most patients can return to work in about a week, depending upon the surgery. A support garment is to be worn for several weeks after the surgery. Minor pain associated with surgery is treated effectively with oral medication. Complications are rare and patients can minimize the risk by carefully following the directions given after surgery. Most patients will notice a nice change and results around two weeks after surgery which continue to improve over 3-6 months.
Cost of Liposuction: Liposuction is a very popular and affordable cosmetic surgery. Liposuction cost in India is cheaper than in the USA. The cost of liposuction surgery in Vadodara at Yuva Clinic depends upon the amount of obesity, the extent of fat distribution in different areas and the techniques involved in the surgery based on the final treatment plan.