Ideal facial beauty starts with an ideal bone structure. Sometimes all that is needed to give a face added contour and balance is a little bolstering in the areas of the chin or cheekbones. Frequently, these implants will help provide a more harmonious balance to the face and features so that you feel better about the way you look.
Reasons for Considering a Facial Implants:
- Desire for heightened and well-formed cheekbones.
- Weak chins, sagging skin in the chin area.
- Wanting to add definition to the face and to improve the shape and balance of the face.
- Facial asymmetry due to trauma, fractures etc.

«Facial Implants : Facial implants can provide this added definition to the face. Chin implants help strengthen the jaw line, bringing definition to the lower portion of the face, while cheek implants can give needed contour and improve overall facial symmetry.»
Chin augmentation may be done in conjunction with Rhinoplasty or facelift. The implant may be inserted one of two ways. One method is through the mouth. Another method goes through an incision on the underside of the chin, inserting the implant between the bone and chin tissue. That method leaves a faint scar that is barely visible. A chin augmentation can bring a receding chin into better harmony with other facial features and create a more pleasing facial balance. At the end of the surgery, the chin is often taped to minimize swelling.
Cheek augmentation incisions are either made in the mouth or below the lower eyelids. The implant of the size and shape that the surgeon has selected is then inserted through these incisions into a pocket created in the tissue. This procedure can be done in conjunction with a facelift or eyelid surgery. It is done as an out-patient under anesthesia. Cheek augmentation with an implant can correct flat or underdeveloped cheekbones to give you a fuller cheek with a dramatic contour. It may also be helpful to correct a sunken appearance to the cheeks resulting from aging or acne scarring. Patients with long, narrow faces, very round faces and flat cheeks, or asymmetries or birth defects are good candidates for cheek implants.
Some facial movements, such as talking and smiling, may be difficult for several days following the surgery. Usually a liquid diet is adhered to a couple of days following surgery. Non-strenuous activities, work/school may be resumed within one week. After surgery you will have a more balanced profile and pleasing facial contour. Minor pain associated with surgery can be treated effectively with oral medication. While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully following the post-operative directions.